Thank you for your interest in the AlzMatch Study! You have reached this page because you attended an AlzMatch Community event hosted by a local research site or received an email invitation to participate.
The AlzMatch Community program is currently on pause. We will resume AlzMatch prescreening activities over the coming weeks as some of newer trials launch or ongoing trials are ready to receive prequalified individuals.
However, if you’d like to participate in AlzMatch in the future and determine whether you might be eligible to enroll in an Alzheimer’s disease clinical trial, we invite you to join the APT Webstudy. By clicking the link below, completing the registration process for the APT Webstudy, and meeting a few basic qualification criteria, you will be added to a list for future participation in AlzMatch Community.
When AlzMatch Community invitations resume, you will receive an email regarding your AlzMatch invitation, as indicated by Step 2 below:
Join & Consent to the APT Webstudy
Receive an Email Regarding your AlzMatch Invitation Status
Read and Sign the Emailed AlzMatch Consent Form
Schedule Blood Draw from Quest Diagnostics Online
Learn if Eligible to Screen for Alzheimer’s Trial
Receive a $50 Gift Card
To get started in the APT Webstudy, please use the link below. The APT Webstudy monitors volunteers who are 50 and older for changes in their memory through a series of quarterly, no-cost memory tests. It takes place online, without any in-person visits required.
This invitation link is intended only for you, please do not share this with friends or family at this time. You can find more information about AlzMatch below.
About the AlzMatch Study
The AlzMatch Study tests whether a single blood test, collected at community-based laboratories, can help speed clinical trial enrollment by identifying people more likely to experience changes in their brains associated with Alzheimer’s disease. AlzMatch is helping us find people who are most eligible for Alzheimer’s prevention trials by way of a simple blood draw.
Why should I join AlzMatch?
Blood tests are the cutting edge of Alzheimer’s research, and you could be part of it! AlzMatch helps us find people who may be most eligible to participate in Alzheimer’s disease prevention studies.
Am I eligible to join AlzMatch?
You may be eligible if you:
- Register as a participant in the APT Webstudy
- Are 55-80 years of age
- Have no diagnosis of dementia
- Have no MRI contraindications
How is the study funded?
AlzMatch is supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number R01AG053798, the University of Southern California (USC) Clinical Trial Recruitment Laboratory (CTRL) and the USC Epstein Family Alzheimer’s Disease Research Collaboration.
Who is involved with AlzMatch?
AlzMatch is being conducted in partnership with the APT Webstudy team, including leading Alzheimer’s disease researchers from the following institutions:
If you are interested in learning more about the APT Webstudy please click here for a study overview.
Who can I contact with questions?
If you have any questions about the APT Webstudy or how to join AlzMatch please contact us by email at We will respond to inquiries during normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm Pacific Time USA. We are closed on all major holidays.